Thursday, November 08, 2012


Part of growing is the ability to recognize when society has changed and how that change affects what you do. Not all changes are advantageous and sometimes it's necessary to put one's heels down and dispute the change. But not to acknowledge that there has been a shift is to partake in a self-deception.

The Republican party needs to look around and note the changed demographics. They need to refuse to be led by extremists who rant and rave about the demands of citizens whose ideas may differ from their ideas.

I come from a long line of Democrats. On my mother's side there were relatives who cast their lot with unions. One drove a truck and was an early member of the Teamsters. I grew up with the admonition— Never cross a picket line.

Despite being a life long democrat I'd like to see the Republican party be more inclusive and rid itself of the groups that live on the way outfringes. We need two strong parties —both recognizing that our society is diverse.


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