And the beat goes on...
I attended an Adult Education workshop and the Jesus Seminar was mentioned...
Will the arguments for and against the results of the Jesus Seminar continue on for years? My limited theological grounding doesn't allow me to enter into the fray, but I do have a few questions.
From what I understand 150 people were gathered—some academic scholars, some lesser lights in academic circles. How were these people selected? Did they represent a broad swath of Christian beliefs or were they the choir decidedly leaning in one direction. The leader of the group, Robert Fink, chose the participants—what were his criteria? Did he want to bring together a broad spectrum or a narrow band of followers?
Whether something was true or not was determined by a rather ingenious method—the secret voting by beads.
A red bead meant— Yes,Jesus said this or something like this
Pink bead— Sounds like Jesus. He might have said something like this.
Gray bead—Well, maybe. He didn't say this, but the ideas are similar to his.
Black bead—No, he didn't say this.
A rather interesting way to determine authenticity.
Will the arguments for and against the results of the Jesus Seminar continue on for years? My limited theological grounding doesn't allow me to enter into the fray, but I do have a few questions.
From what I understand 150 people were gathered—some academic scholars, some lesser lights in academic circles. How were these people selected? Did they represent a broad swath of Christian beliefs or were they the choir decidedly leaning in one direction. The leader of the group, Robert Fink, chose the participants—what were his criteria? Did he want to bring together a broad spectrum or a narrow band of followers?
Whether something was true or not was determined by a rather ingenious method—the secret voting by beads.
A red bead meant— Yes,Jesus said this or something like this
Pink bead— Sounds like Jesus. He might have said something like this.
Gray bead—Well, maybe. He didn't say this, but the ideas are similar to his.
Black bead—No, he didn't say this.
A rather interesting way to determine authenticity.
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