Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Reading Reviews

Who wrote them?
What's the bias? Everyone resonates to one thing or another.

The audience?

When Romney dissed 47% of our population--his figure--his patrician roots sprouted up for all to see. But his audience--who paid $50,000 a plate at a plush fundraiser--also belonged to a rather elite 1%.

Romney's review of our populace was forged in a totally different setting. He didn't want for anything. No need for food stamps.

When I started out teaching I worked in a low income area and if the school didn't have an established breakfast program most of our students would be hungry until lunch time. How often did Romney worry about hunger pains, or where to live, or a job? And did he ever worry about what happens when a job is gone and weeks become months and months become years?

Reviews. It's difficult to know an issue unless you've had some real life experience.Let's not speak of the 47% as if they were a shiftless crowd. That 47% is made up of individuals. And each individual has a particular story--a unique story.


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