Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fanaticism as Fulcrum

Fanaticism obliterates the feelings of humanity.
—Edward Gibbon

                      It’s thundering outside
and they ignite lightning
                           They wait and watch 
                                           and smell the acrid smoke

The sky is on fire
                              Words dissemble 

                                        Mumbles mask letters

Bricks crumble into mud and shale, 
                           sand and water

              and tumble backwards into the Upper Tigris

                           They toss glowing rags
                        soaked in 

              spreading rabble rousing embers

A scorching heat
          Molten lava streams across the earth 

          The Great Wall of China 
     spews out stones and bricks 

                        What's left?       
A metaphor.


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