The Leavings
On Saturday my copy of
The American Poetry Review arrived.
Stefi Weisburd's poem "The Griefs" caught my attention.
I like the form. Her poem was an impetus—
but quite different.
The leaving of a friend for another geography
The leaving of strings still attached
To banter over tea
The scones still waiting to cool
The leaving of chairs pulled out and pushed back
The leaving of a parent while waiting to talk
Of what ifs and whose left
To polish silver place settings
To divide the spoons and dessert forks
The leaving of a parent who forgot
Prayers learned when words held fire
And God stayed in the next room
The leaving of a child
A photo on the refrigerator door
A door jam near the front door
Linda ©2012
Wonderful combinations of writing and images. I'll visit often.
I followed your imagery and then that of Julie-Anne's comment to her blog and imagery of a circle and a splat and discovered Jane Davies and a couple other would-be classmates—would be if I'd purchased actual paint to do the assignments. And now I'm back at the beginning, pondering your words. Again. Some days meaning comes less easily to me.
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