Thursday, March 01, 2012


Previous months I've ignored the theme for the month and proceeded as a lone wolf digressing into a myriad of topics. But for March—that bridge between winter and spring—I intend to stay on task.

What does this mean? First what does whether mean? There's an aspect of being undecided or on the fence or in need of taking a stand, making a decision. And what about the ubiquitous if followed by the inevitable then when you make that decision?

And uncertainty appears on the horizon. Is this the right answer or this?

Sometimes ambiguity forces its way to the surface when looking at the options. And then when another selects the opposite it may lead to second-guessing, doubt, or even to disputes.

What on the surface appears benign is fraught with pitfalls—alternative possibilities, uncertainty and conflict.

So whether or not I succeed for the entire month I'll proceed with deliberate caution mindful of the unforseen snares, the occasional ambuscade kindled by a choice.

A challenge.


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