Monday, February 06, 2012

It's Out of Order

Did you ever wonder about all the things that are "Out Of Order"?

Sure there are the usual spots—the places you expect will be culprits, but what about the others.

Our society is "Out of Order". Pick up the newspaper and read the most innocuous of stories and ponder the underlining story.

If I am astounded by the weekly increases, the inching ahead of items in the grocery store, then what is the impact on people who live on the margin, or with one foot in the crack and one foot on stable ground?

We're "Out of Order"—the gulf between the haves and the have nots is a crevasse.

We're "Out of Order"—the civil rights of too many are being abridged by those who want a homogenized society where equality is determined by a litmus test for being straight.


Blogger Fading redhead said...

Well put. Excellent metaphor and analogy. "Down for repairs," except that I don't anticipate repairs soon.

February 08, 2012  

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