Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Nomenclature of Reality

If language creates reality then without language we live in an amorphous state. But does language create reality or does language describe reality? I rather think that it works both ways. We can with our words construct possibilities, existential conundrums, or use our words to hold off or draw near to people. The words we use help define us or assist others in defining us. Is that our reality?

It’s quite changeable since we often act like chameleons. Philosophers write about language and reality. They write about visible language.

Writers know that a created character is known by her actions —and by what she says or what others say about her. Our words never disappear.

And the reality is created, the stage design—the play controlled by language. Words set things in motion, but so do actions.

But we aren’t alone. Speak and the words insist on interpretation, translation. And who does this act of translation—others? They hear the words and through their own lens interpret what they heard.

It is, a matter of semantics, he said.


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