Monday, November 28, 2011

Know More Than a Name

Several times in the past month a young man comes into the coffee house and orders a coffee. His gait is ungainly compared to others his age. 

He sits at a table for two and often takes out a smart phone and is either looking at something or absorbed by the phone.

Last week his mother came in with a friend. They sat at a separate table. The young man pointed to the woman and then to himself. Tracy , who was recently hired, said, " She's your mother." The young man laughed.

Today I was reading when I noted that Tracy and the young man, who is always impeccably dressed, were engaged in signing. Every once in awhile he laughed. 

After he left I went over to talk to Tracy. In our brief conversation I learned that she had worked with a blind-deaf population for several years and then in an  alternative high school. 

"But now," she said, " I'm thinking of a career change. I want to do equine therapy."

I'm reminded again, and again and again, about how little we know about people. 


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