Friday, November 25, 2011

The Day After

Consume. Consume. Consume

The Thursday newspaper weighed more than any daily needs to weigh-- pages and pages of inserted ads bulked the paper. 

Stores strived to open before turkey meals were digested. By offering " incredible" deals they anticipated throngs lining up outside. One radio station reported that a woman used pepper spray on people in front of her to either move them along or rid the line of their presence.

Today is the biggest shopping day of the year. It's as if a flood gate is opened.

And what is it that people are celebrating? 


Anonymous Jan said...

I think we're celebrating that newspapers survived another year. Think of the revenue from all those ads! Our paper was thicker, too. Very little besides the front page.

I'm grateful to 'know' you and take writing classes from such a wise woman.

November 25, 2011  

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