The Ubiquitous Book Club
How many book clubs meet in the fifty states?
Some clubs are intent on providing ambrosia and nectar fit for the plates of the aristocracy. Other clubs pride themselves on meager fare because eating is so secondary. The book discussion is the focus. All else, even munching, is relegated to a category of no importance.
I've belonged to the same book club for over twenty years. We occupy a middle ground. There are nibbles, but they are often left in another room. We're serious. We use an arcane method of selecting books which is so confusing that explaining it to any newcomers requires several attempts at clarity.
"You'll see. It does work."
Over the years a core group of eight can recall the early days. At its height twenty people attended a meeting. Now we're often down to twelve.
I expect that each book group follows particular patterns. You need someone who is contrary and someone who is willing to like every book given a good review by the New York Times.
You find people who love trying to convince another reader that their viewpoint was erroneous. Then there are the peacemakers. who really want everyone to agree. We all love the book. We all find the book wanting.
And every book club needs the person who contemplates the true literary merit--the sentence quality, the voice, the structure. They hold each book up to a standard and will be ready, even without prodding, to launch into a heady discussion about the qualities of the writing.
I guess it's important to play one's part.
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