Monday, April 06, 2009

A Long History

Pundits remind us that violence accompanies weak economic times. In the past week newspaper headlines related the latest killing spree —-thirteen in New York.

We ask why a particular person purposefully created such a carnage.

Lost a job, domestic violence, bullied, or mentally ill.

Too often the perpetrator commits suicide and our questions remain unanswered.

History is the tale of killings-
Nations engage in genocides; neighborhoods in turf wars; countries in expansion.

The history of religion is one smitten with violence.

Ethnic cleansings occur with frequency.

Assassinations, coups—all part of our history. What military arm of a modern country shuns covert killings?

Are we numbed to the killings?

Dylan Thomas said that “After the first death there is no other.”

We can’t become numb. We must celebrate each life.


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